Whatever You Play, Play to Win!

Gin's Ho-Hum Weekend To-Do List

1. Stock up on paper napkins and stain remover.
2. Think of a good excuse not to buy Hasegawa a new shirt.
3. Find out what kind of monster would swipe my strawberry milk from the fridge.
4. Get tickets to the game at Edo Dome while it's still standing.
5. Tell Shinpachi, Kondo and Matsudaira they're buying if they want me to go for drinks with them.

Story and Art by Hideaki Sorachi
Release November 4, 2008
ISBN-13 978-1-4215-1622-6
Trim Size 5 × 7 1/2
Length 192 pages
Series Gin Tama
Category Manga
Age Rating   Teen Plus