Final Volume!

Ready Set Hut

In this action-packed final volume, Team USA and Team Japan face off in a bid for the title of best youth football team in the world. Rivalries within Team Japan are put aside as Hiruma and Agon execute a complicated formation. Can smart strategy overcome the sheer physical dominance of the American team? Seeing his teammates hurt, Sena bolts in and Team Japan seems set for victory. But the final five minutes of the game takes a surprising course as the earth-shattering rivalry between the two teams continues...

Story by Riichiro Inagaki, Art by Yusuke Murata
Release October 4, 2011
ISBN-13 978-1-4215-3685-9
Trim Size 5 × 7 1/2
Length 200 pages
Series Eyeshield 21
Category Manga
Age Rating   Teen Plus