Beneath the Planet of the Dolls!

When a young man visits his doctor for a routine check-up, he is told that he'll soon turn into a tree. How odd!

A father buys a doll that looks just like his daughter. How creepy!

A fortune-teller abducts a woman and teaches her about the meaning of life. How felicitous!

With these and other stories, author Yumiko Kawahara welcomes readers into her upside-down place filled with love, obsession and Plant Dolls!

Story and Art by Yumiko Kawahara
Release May 10, 2005
UPC 7-82009-21103-7
ISBN-13 978-1-59116-769-3
Trim Size 5 × 7 1/2
Imprint Shojo Beat
Length 200 pages
Series Dolls
Category Manga
Age Rating   Teen