The secret history of the most famous secret agent in the world. A bunny costume that reveals the truth in our souls. The unsettling notion that Japan itself may be a dream. The tastiest meal you’ll never have, a fedora-wearing neckbeard’s deadly date with a yokai, and the worst work shift anyone—human or not—has ever lived through. Welcome to Phantasm Japan.
Nadia Bulkin
Gary A. Braunbeck
Quentin S. Crisp
Project Itoh
Yusaku Kitano
Jacqueline Koyanagi
Alex Dally MacFarlane
James A. Moore
Zachary Mason
Miyuki Miyabe
Lauren Naturale
Tim Pratt
Benjanun Sriduangkaew
Seia Tanabe
Joseph Tomaras
Dempow Torishima
Sayuri Ueda
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