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Minecraft: The Manga

An official Minecraft manga adventure!

Created by Kazuyoshi Seto | MoreLess about Minecraft: The Manga

Peaceful life in a perfectly constructed town bores ten-year-old Nico into mischief. Riding Creepers while they explode is fun and all, but what he really wants is to escape the blocky confines of his home and take his crafting skills on an adventure to the ends of the world. Just how big is the world, anyway, and what could possibly stand in his way?

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Minecraft: The Manga, Vol. 1

Nico gets his chance to prove how strong he’s become when zombies attack! After modding an innovative solution to repel the undead foes, Nico earns the right to go on the adventure he’s always wanted. But right away, he runs into another zombie…and this one can talk!

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