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Jiangshi X

A young daoshi monk tries to cleanse the world of evil jiangshi!

Created by Norihiko Kurazono | MoreLess about Jiangshi X

The fantastic worlds of martial arts and the supernatural collide in an epic tale about three young monks facing unimaginable evil. Each armed with their own special spiritual combat techniques, they battle horrific undead martial arts monsters in a sweeping, Chinese history–inspired setting!

Norihiko Kurazono is a Japanese manga writer and artist. His previous works include Automaton, Chitei Ryoko (Underground Journey), and Maho Gyoshonin Roma (Magic Merchant Roma).

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Series Debut!

Jiangshi X, Vol. 1

Three apprentice daoshi monks of Shenxian Village—Xiaohu, Chaoyun, and Jiuli—have completed five years of training and are to face their last trial. They only have one chance to attempt the test, and only one of the three can pass. During the trial, Chaoyun is badly wounded by the jiangshi they were tasked to defeat. If they retreat with Chaoyun, his life can be saved, but they will all fail the test. In the end, will they choose themselves or their friend?

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