VIDEO GAME: Street Fighter X Tekken Impressions!

Games We Love Report: Faster than Street Fighter IV and chock-full of great characters—and kitties!
By February 03, 2012

I got the chance to play Street Fighter X Tekken at a Capcom event last night and I have to say, I got my butt kicked! Thinking back, maybe I should have played something other than Sony’s Japanese cat mascots Kuro and Toro all night, but they were so cute!

There were a lot of video game tough guys there and let me tell you, picking super cute cats will not make them go easier on you. In fact, I think it might have made them even more determined! Playing Kuro and Toro is pretty challenging, as their limbs are short so they have no range. On the other hand, they’re so tiny a lot of attacks go right over their heads. But if you can get in close, they have some devastating combos and a wicked vertical uppercut.

Outside the event, there was some Street Fighter X Tekken themed food that looked too good to pass up. Haven’t you always wanted to eat Chun Li’s Spinning Bird Kick?

Well, this is it! I don’t know about you, but it looks exactly how I pictured it. It was so flavorful, it sent my taste buds spinning around and I felt like I’d been kicked in the mouth repeatedly with deliciousness. Later, it felt more like I had been kicked in the stomach.

As a long time Street Fighter fan, this game really got me excited. It’s faster than Street Fighter IV, which makes me happy, because I’ve always felt IV was too slow. Hugo looked great! I’ve always liked him but felt he was unusable in Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Rolento’s back! He’s one of my favorite Alpha 3 characters, because of his speed and tricky attacks.

I didn’t get a chance to look at all the characters, but a few others jumped out at me. Cole, from inFAMOUS, and his electric-based attacks look both effective and versatile. Poison from Final Fight is definitely the hottest “chick” in the game. She’s really quick and has some great defensive attacks. Kuma, the super-cute bear from Tekken looks, well, super-cute! Not a Tekken expert, but I’ve always had a soft spot for this bear. Didn’t see him fight too much, but his “fart to the face” finishing move looks amazing.

Anyway, this game’s got me fired up and I am eagerly looking forward to its release! Look for our review in March!

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by Urian Brown

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