Ragnarok Odyssey ACE

If you love grinding for loot and reaping the rewards, this game's for you!
By April 09, 2014

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE is one of those rare video games that I find relaxing. That may seem odd, considering you spend most of the game beating the crackers out of stuff, but I found myself going into a zen-like state while playing it. I guess because it’s so straightforward. You never have to wonder what you have to do next, the quests are very clear. You go to the same levels multiple times, so it’s next to impossible to get lost. And the combat system only has a few combos, so you don't have to tax your brain with an overly complicated combat system. But that doesn’t mean it’s boring, in fact, it’s quite enjoyable.

In the game, you can play as a five different classes, Sword Warrior, Assassin, Cleric, HammerSmith, Hunter and Mage. Each of them has their advantages and disadvantages. Assassin is high on offense, but low on defense. Hunter attacks from a distance, but isn’t good up close. HammerSmith does a crazy amount of damage, but is super slow. It’s the typical fantasy fare. I played the Cleric, because I have a thing for Clerics. It’s a warrior that can heal, there's no downside.

Quests are very basic and come in two flavors—go kill these guys, or get this stuff. Combat is also pretty basic. You can do combos on the ground, or knock enemies in the air for air combos. There’s no blocking, but there is a quickstep to avoid attacks. Until later levels and bosses, you don’t really need to worry about avoiding attacks; you can mow everything down in your path. 

As you grind and become more powerful, you’ll get access to new gear, attacks, and special cards that boost abilities. The cards are one of the most interesting aspects of the game. Cards give you bonuses, but you can only equip so many based on your current outfit and their level. So you have to pick and choose which ones best suit your character. And some of them do very specific things that only come in handy during specific quests, so you really have to look at which ones you have set before you venture out. As the game goes on and you get materials and money, you can expand your outfit to hold more cards.

Eventually you will get the ability to change Jobs, which lets you keep the same character, but play a different class. This is a great feature, and gives the game some variety. However, once you change classes, you’ll have to re-set your cards, and adjust your gear and weapons. The nice thing is, you can keep multiple outfits for adventuring so you don’t have to waste time rejiggering every time you change. It also allows you to try out a different class, if you’re stuck on a certain level.

Getting stuck on levels doesn’t happen that much, until the tough bosses show up. Luckily, you can take two computer controlled NPC’s with you to help out. But they are computer controlled, so they’re not exactly geniuses. So if you’re really stuck, you may want to go online and quest with real humans.

This game is an action RPG boiled down to the purest elements. Go out, beat up a bunch of wacky-looking monsters, get your loot, come back, check it out, equip it or sell it, then go out and do it all over again. It’s basically a JRPG, but with only the grinding and character customization parts. And that’s not a bad thing. I’m a JRPG fan and I enjoy getting “lost in the grind.” Especially if it’s a nice-looking game, and this bright, colorful game is very easy on the eyes.

I can’t say Ragnorak Odyssey ACE is for everyone, but if you’re a real nutter for grinding and fiddling about with your character, this will provide a bit of fun.

Hint: Exploding barrels and crates can hurt you, but sometimes they have good stuff.  

by Urian Brown