ONE PIECE Celebration

It's been 700 chapters of One Piece! That's over 12,500 pages! Let's take a look at what makes this manga series one of the all-time greats!
By March 04, 2013


To celebrate One Piece reaching the 700-chapter milestone, we decided to look back at some of the series' top moments! We recruited our buddies from The One Piece Podcast to get their expert opinion, as well as some in-house crazies to chime in. Agree? Disagree? What are your favorite scenes in One Piece?

Nico Robin: On the Run
Zach Logan, Host, The One Piece Podcast
One Piece is a never-ending and fantastic world that continues to infinitely surprise us, challenge us, and move us. Creator Eichiiro Oda stands alone in his ability to build a story with its own rich and mysterious history. Robin has provided the perfect vehicle for Oda to sculpt his world, while bringing us the most heart-wrenching story to date. One Piece is at its best when it focuses on a character’s struggle. Robin’s backstory not only introduces an ominous, mysterious global conspiracy, but also shows how this moment in Ohara has become the single motivator for this enigmatic character. This sums up everything I love about One Piece, and it shows just how much potential there is for this series.

Zolo: Honor Before Glory
Ed Lang, Co-Host, The One Piece Podcast
At a time when all seems lost for the Straw Hats, Zolo steps in to sacrifice his own life for Luffy’s. Using Bartholomew Kuma’s honor against him to save his captain, Zolo accepts all the pain of Luffy’s fight with Moria. This shows the lengths that he is willing to go to and the sacrifices he will make to help Luffy achieve his goal, even laying down his life for his captain and lying about it afterwards so Luffy wouldn't feel any guilt over causing his friend's suffering. This is what it means to be first mate to the Pirate King.

Smoker: Justice Served
Joseph Medina, West Coast Host, The One Piece Podcast
Up until chapter 98, the only exposure we had to the Navy were in the forms of evil and corrupt men like Morgan, Fullbody and Nezumi, marines who were so unlikable, it made it easy for the readers to follow a group of law-breaking, carefree pirates. With the formal introduction of Smoker, we were not only given a true military man of character, but the first of many shades of grey that would pepper the rest of the story, showing that sometimes justice can be a bit blurried.

Hiriluk: The Doctor's In
Jason Sackel, Senior Contributor, The One Piece Podcast
One of my favorite moments in One Piece is Hiriluk’s speech. It is a prime example of what One Piece stands for, living life to one’s fullest and without regret: 

“I may disappear but my dream will live on, and the ailing hearts of the people will be healed.”

Oda excels in these moments—they are touching and well told. This kind of profound storytelling is a prime example of why One Piece is so successful, and I look forward to see what’s in store.

Brook: Skeleton in the Closet
Alex “The Dude” Kazanas, Contributor, The One Piece Podcast
It’s hard to pin down just one, but one of my favorite moments in One Piece is during the Thriller Bark arc. When Brook reveals that Laboon is the friend he’s searching for, my heart jumped a beat. How could the author plan something so meticulously? One Piece is known for bringing back characters, but with the reintroduction of Laboon, it proved that even the minutest detail in One Piece deserves attention. You never know when or how it could crop up again!

Blackbeard: Word is Bond
Greg Werner, Japan Correspondent, The One Piece Podcast
It wasn’t until I saw the original manuscript of this spread at the One Piece Exhibit in Tokyo that it personally came to represent One Piece as a series. Blackbeard’s words are accented by four exclamation points reserved for lines that reveal characters’ core resolution, but upon examination I noticed that the left-most speech bubble was originally smaller. Part of the original bubble was covered in whiteout over which the final was drawn. Down to the size of speech bubbles, Odacchi is meticulous in making his series as huge and exciting as possible to deliver the quintessential shonen manga experience.

Stephen Paul, Translator for One Piece
It seems like just a chance meeting. Luffy and a strange, bearded man--intense, unsettling, but familiar somehow. Two men, so similar and yet so different. Two men who share the same letter and the same dream. I knew when I first read this scene that it was Important, not just because of what it contains, but what it suggests. They follow the same muse to the same destination, but Luffy and Blackbeard are destined to collide again and again on opposite sides. As their first meeting showed, the dream is never-ending.

Jimbei: Swimming with the Fishes
Alexis Kirsch, Editor for One Piece
To contrast with the epic and emotional choices above me, I'm going with one that just gives me the belly laughs. Fish-Man Island is in great danger, Jimbei asks Luffy to become a hero and save it. Luffy is all up for saving everyone but there's no way he wants to become a hero! Why…? I will let Luffy explain it below with his topnotch logical reasoning…

Usopp: Pants on Fire
John Bae, One Piece Nutter
One Piece is one of those few manga series out there that can bring out a whole whirlwind of emotions inside of me, all in the span of a single chapter! From laughter to happiness to sadness, Oda Sensei can somehow manipulate his audience's emotions masterfully. One of the most poignant moments in the series for me comes during the Water Seven arc when the Straw Hat crew is faced with the emotional decision to abandon their broken-down ship, the Merry Go. Because of his connection to the ship, Usopp doesn't want the crew to give up on the Merry Go, especially after all the adventures they went through together. Usopp then challenges Luffy to a duel for the ship. I was so conflicted during their whole scrum, and for once, I was at a loss who to root for...

Wapol: The All-You-Can-Eat Villain
Urian Brown, Former Editor for One Piece
Ahoy! I used to be the One Piece editor! If you find lots of mistakes in the early volumes, those are all mine! My favorite moment is from the Drum Island Arc when Wapol thinks he's finally got the drop on Luffy with his giant cannon. Except when he tries to fire it, little birds come out! The look on his face literally made me laugh out loud at my desk. I immediately got up from my desk and ran around the office showing people. To this day, the look on his face still cracks me up!

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