Nihongo Lesson - Jul 18, 2014

Feeling too hot over the summer and wanna cool down? Learn how to say so in Japanese!
By July 18, 2014

Welcome to the Nihongo Lesson feature. We strive to give you useful manga-based Japanese language tips and maybe even a glimpse into the translation process. We just got back from Anime Expo and L.A. was hot! So this week we’re focusing on words that can describe the weather.

ATSUI (あつい)

ATSUI means “hot.” The weather at AX was sunny with plenty of deadly heat rays. Okay, it actually wasn’t that bad unless you were cosplaying as a character who wears plenty of layers. Oh, the cosplayers were hot as well but ATSUI only describes things that are hot to the touch. Like the weather or foods. That hot spring from Bleach seems a little too ATSUI!

SAMUI (さむい)

SAMUI is “cold.” This word was perfect to use when we arrived back in San Francisco. Those chilly bay area winds are painful if you aren’t prepared. SAMUI can be used to describe the weather or even a bad joke, but you need to use TSUMETAI when talking about something that is cold to the touch.

CHOUDO II (ちょうどいい)

CHOUDO II basically means “perfect” when describing temperature. I usually burn my mouth on hot tea and then have to wait until it’s CHOUDO II before drinking it. Now this is my kind of hot springs. Perfect!

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