Nihongo Lesson 09/15/17

Find out what these quirky names mean in Japanese!

By John Bae September 15, 2017

Welcome to the Nihongo Lesson feature. We strive to give you useful manga-based Japanese language tips and maybe even a glimpse into the translation process. This week’s lesson will focus on the hidden meanings in the names in My Hero Academia. This series often uses characters’ names to hint about their Quirk abilities.


TOGATA’s Quirk is called Permeation, and it allows him to pass through anything. It’s a powerful Quirk that’s helped Mirio become one of the Big Three at U.A. Academy. But like many characters in My Hero Academia, his name is a spoiler for his ability. TOGATA is made up of the kanji characters for “pass through” and “shape,” so it’s no surprise that his power is to pass through all shapes!
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DEIDORO’s Quirk basically makes those around him drunk. His last name has the kanji character for “alcohol” in it, and his first name has a character that forms “drunkenness” when combined with another one. Talk about well named!

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Like DEIDORO, SHIN is another one of Overhaul’s yakuza henchmen. His Quirk is called Confession, and it has the power to make people tell the truth. He’s not hiding his ability either, as the kanji character for SHIN means “the truth.” NEMOTO is made up of the kanji characters for “sound” and “source.” Perhaps he uses his ears to reveal his opponents’ secrets? What other secrets are hiding in the names of My Hero Academia?
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