Toriko and his crew of culinary tough guys clash with Gourmet Corp. in a race to obtain the legendary Century Soup!
By June 06, 2012


Toriko is a Gourmet Hunter—a person that tracks down the toughest, most sought-after animals, fruits, and other culinary delicacies the world has to offer. He wrestles giant alligators and treks through the most dangerous landscapes, all for his greatest passion—food!

While Komatsu is underground searching for the Century Soup, Toriko’s group takes on the nefarious members of Gourmet Corp.! Takimaru the Gourmet Knight uses his deadly Bottle Opener—a technique that dislocates his target’s spine—but his opponent Bogie Woods has 4,000 bones in his body, and he can rearrange them to his liking! Can Takimaru find a way to overcome such a flexible enemy?

Meanwhile Match, the Gourmet Mafia lieutenant, takes on the tank-like Barry Gamon! With his body covered in ultra-resilient Crush Turtle armor and his skin secreting antifreeze to keep bullets sliding off his hulking frame, Match will have a tough time scoring a hit!

Finally the main event—Toriko and Tommyrod’s brawl explodes as knives, forks and insects fly between the Gourmet Hunter and Gourmet Corp. Vice-Chef! All the bugs Tommyrod has let out of his body are biting, stinging,and tearing at Toriko, but with all his powerful Gourmet Cells, Toriko might just have a fighting chance!

Can Toriko and friends survive to taste the Century Soup? Find out in Toriko vol. 10, on sale now!

For a FREE PREVIEW of Toriko volume 1, head on over to!

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by Stephan Massih