Dragon Ball 3-in-1 vol. 6

The ending of Dragon Ball and the beginning of Dragon Ball Z in one volume!
By September 24, 2014

Dragon Ball is one of those rare manga I’ve read over and over and over. But certain parts are more familiar than others because I’ve read them more or seen that part of the anime more. But no matter how many times I read it, it never gets old. And that's because it's just that good. This Dragon Ball 3-in-1 covers volumes 16, 17 and 18, starting with the Strongest-Under-the-Heavens match between Goku and Piccolo and ending with the arrival of Vegeta. 

I’ve read or watched the arrival of Vegeta a zillion times, but I’m a little less familiar with Goku’s big fight with Piccolo. It’s a huge brawl that takes up a good chunk of the book and it is incredible. The action is so intense and well drawn, you feel like you’re practically there. If you’ve ever tried to draw comics, you’ll know drawing complicated fight scenes is really hard. Toriyama Sensei’s are remarkable because they’re very complex, yet easy to follow. Plus it has a wonderful sense of speed and impact! The superior use of speed lines make the characters seem like they’re moving unbelievably fast. And the wonderfully distorted faces the characters get after receiving a devastating blow make the impact seem so much more intense than most other manga. I firmly believe Toriyama Sensei is unmatched in his artistic skill at drawing fights.

Not only that, they’re full of fun twists and lots of “gotcha” moments. And the power levels here are starting to get pretty bonkers with energy blasts bigger than character’s bodies and even a mushroom cloud. There are also some funny moments that are never repeated in the manga. For instance, Piccolo grows super big! Something he never does again. Also, Goku shoots energy blasts with his feet! Eventually he learns to fly so he doesn’t have to do that, but I cracked up when I read it.

Speaking of cracking up, although the fight is deadly serious with the world on the line, there’s still a good deal of humor in the battle. Mainly through the supporting characters reactions and Goku’s usual cluelessness.

The second half of the book focuses on the arrival of Raditz, which I’ve read or watched this a zillion times. Still, it never gets old. Especially when you read the book all in one sitting and see Piccolo go from trying to murderize Goku, to teaming up with him! As I’m sure you know, Piccolo eventually becomes a good guy, but this is the very beginning of that change.

It’s also the first appearance of little Gohan! And Vegeta and Nappa! And King Kai! (And Bubbles!) The last section of the book focuses on Gohan's training with Piccolo and Goku’s training with King Kai.  I don’t know why, but reading the section of Piccolo training wimpy Gohan just tickles me. I suppose because you finally get to see Piccolo’s soft side and the beginning of a bond that lasts the whole series.

In the States, the manga was broken up into Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, no doubt to capitalize on the popularity of the anime. But in Japan the entire manga is just Dragon Ball. Looks like the 3-in-1’s are just going to follow the Japanese and stay Dragon Ball. Not really important, but an interesting note for collectors.

This is some great fighting manga folks! In fact, pretty much the best fighting manga ever made in my opinion and many others. If you’ve never read it, I can’t recommend it enough, it is as good as Shonen Jump manga gets.

You can get hands around this very affordable Dragon Ball 3-in-1 vol. 6 right here!

by Urian Brown