This month’s Zexal Collection Mini-Tin packs more than 20 new cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal animated series! Every tin comes with three ultimate rare cards used by Yuma or Kite: Gagaga Magician, Gagagabolt, and Number 20: Giga-Brilliant. It also comes with eleven cards from an all-new awesome set of 21 cards from the show that hasn’t made it to the tables yet. Here’s a peek at a few of Yuma’s cards from the Zexal Collection Mini-Tin!
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Burn everything in your path with this Rank 5 Xyz Monster! Volcasaurus uses its Xyz Materials to destroy your opponent’s monsters and then damage them for those monsters’ ATK. The trade-off is that Volcasaurus can’t attack directly if his effect is used, but if you follow up by using him to Xyz Summon Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger (from Galactic Overlord), your new monster can! An easy way to Summon the Rank 5 Volcasaurus is to Summon 2 copies of Wind-Up Shark and use their effects to make them Level 5.
Calling all Duelists with Spellcaster Decks! Do you have a favorite Spellcaster? If you do, then you’ll want to arm him or her with Gagagashield to protect them from harm! As long as your Spellcaster is equipped with Gagagashield, your opponent will have to destroy, not once, but three times...on the same turn if they want to get rid of it! It’s the perfect way to keep incredibly powerful magicians like High Priestess of Prophecy (from Return of the Duelist) on the field for the long haul.
Dododo Warrior
Monsters that activate their effects when they’re destroyed are a staple of Dueling, both on TV and on your kitchen table. Dododo Warrior stops those monsters cold, forbidding the activation of any effect that would activate in your opponent’s Graveyard while it’s attacking! If Tributing one of your monsters to Summon Dododo Warrior is too pricey for you, you can give up 500 of its Attack Points to Normal Summon it for free!
Get these cards on March 8, 2013 with the release of Zexal Collection Mini-Tins!
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