CARDS: YU-GI-OH! Monsters

Tips on how to construct your own customized Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Deck!
By February 04, 2012


Deck-Building Blocks: Monsters You Can Manage

In the new age of Synchros and Xyz, beginners may find joining the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG community a daunting challenge. (Trust us, we know.) However, while getting to the Carnegie Hall of card games takes practice and experience, a few hints along the way never hurt. This month, we’ll cover basic, user-friendly cards that will give even first-timers an edge in the dueling ring. First on our list: the monsters!

Three Eyes Are Better
If you want a better chance at drawing the right bruiser, then Sangan’s the critter for you. This three-eyed little guy’s stood the test of time; when destroyed, its owners may search their decks for any monster with 1500 ATK or less. Pretty sweet deal, eh?

Treasures of the Tsar
If, on the other hand, you want power right off the bat, then look no further than Alexandrite Dragon. A Level 4 monster with 2000 ATK, no questions asked? Yes.

Ready for S’More?
Marshmallon. Know it. Fear it. Toast it round a campfire at your own peril. Attacks can’t harm this little guy, and opponents who attack it in facedown defense position take 1000 points on Effect Damage. What, you thought it was smiling for no reason?

It Was A One-Eyed, Two Horned Flying Purplythorny Dragon
Warning: Reading Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon’s name could make your opponent dizzy. Second Warning: If one of your monsters kicks the bucket on the Field, this card can take its place. Your opponent should watch out for flying Dragons.

Soldier’s Homecoming
Please join us in celebrating the return of Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning from the Forbidden list. Simply Banish one LIGHT and one DARK monster from your Graveyard to conjure up a warrior that can either attack twice, or forgo its attack this turn to simply Banish an enemy monster.

Other Cards
For more punch, try these powerhouses: Morphing Jar, Darkstorm Dragon, Blackwing - Gale of the Whirlwind, Night Assailant, Granmarg the Rock Monarch, Battle Fader, Snipe Hunter, Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude, Zero Gardna, and The Supremacy Sun.

For more information about the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, visit Konami's official site today!

Related Links:
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Official Site

by Chris Turner

About Chris Turner
A casual duelist and former Viz Media intern, Chris has ascended the ranks and now writes for us as a freelancer.