CARDS: Kite's Deck!

Tell your opponent to go fly a kite with these cards for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
By March 19, 2013


The game is afoot! Join in the Number Hunt with Kite Tenjo’s new cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Zexal Collection Mini-Tin! Whether you’re building a Deck featuring the mighty Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, playing a few LIGHT monsters, or just need a way to defend yourself from massive attacks, Kite’s Deck has a card for you!

The Best in Space!

Starliege Paladynamo is an Xyz Monster Summoned by combining any two Level 4 monsters. His 2000 ATK may seem low, but he would really only need 100 ATK to drop the hammer on any enemy monster. By detaching Paladynamo’s Xyz Materials, you can drop the ATK of any enemy monster to 0 and negate its effects permanently. But what if your opponent later destroys Paladynamo? You get to draw a new card to replace it!

Galactic Ground Zero

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is known for being unstoppable in battle, and now you have more options than ever to Summon Kite’s famous dragon! If you have a Photon or Galaxy monster on the field, Galaxy Expedition can Summon Galaxy-Eyes straight from your Deck. You can also send Galaxy-Eyes to the Graveyard with cards like Foolish Burial or Trade-In, and then Summon it back with Galaxy Knight.

Impenetrable Defense

Do you have at least 2001 Life Points? Then you can’t be defeated…if you have Kuriphoton in your hand! Paying 2000 Life Points to Kuriphoton makes you immune to all damage for the rest of the turn.  It doesn’t matter what kind of Deck you play, Kuriphoton can help you in a pinch, changing catastrophic amounts of damage into a mere flesh wound. 

You can get these cards and more in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Zexal Collection Mini-Tin, available now!